

The Rise and Fall of Names

My wife Katherine recently pointed me to a very cool website that produces a historical graph showing the popularity of a name through time. The interactive graphing feature, the NameVoyager, is really well done and fun to play with. “What should we name our child?” is a common conversation today among our peers, many of…

Grammar Crime: Teacher’s Plant

I was out shopping today with Katherine and Quinn, and I spotted the following sign, which was proofread neither for grammar nor for irony. Perhaps Mrs. Miller (neé Noland), my high school English teacher, had too much influence over me in my formative years, but I’ve got a nearly reflexive compulsion to proofread everything I…

The Coolest Vegetable

My good friend Martin Reinfried has a photoblog, where he took a couple shots that reminded me of the coolest (among a very nerdy fan-base) vegetable I know of: romanescu broccoli. The fractal, self-similar appearance of this vegetable is a great visual example of mathematics in the natural world and yet another example of the…