Yesterday afternoon there was some excitement in my neighborhood. There was a two-acre brushfire in Settler’s Park, located in the hills just above my house, several hundred yards away. We even got a reverse-911 call from Boulder Emergency Services “recommending but not requiring evacuation”, which was a bit unsettling. I had a good vantage point…
What’s That?
With a tip of the hat to Steve Jurvetson’s ongoing “What’s That?” photo puzzle series on flickr, here’s four shots I took of the same object (from various levels of zoom) while sightseeing with my family in Northern California last week. Fame and public recognition go to the person who can identify what this is….
More from the Excite Archives
Sun ran this ad promoting their server and our search engine after Excite’s multi-million dollar purchases of Sun hardware to power the launch of in October 1995. If memory serves, the query server we purchased from Sun to support the launch of Excite was an eight-way box with a gig or two of RAM and cost around $250k, of which $50k – $70k was the cost for the RAM alone!
Tyranny Crime,
I’ve always enjoyed word games of all sorts and compulsively rearrange most words and phrases I encounter to see if there are any amusing acronyms to be found within them. In college, I even wrote a Boggle-playing program in LISP with my friend Martin Reinfried. Naturally, I’ve spent time on the internet anagram server (which,…
Human Computer Interaction
Check out the post I just authored on the Foundry Group blog about our interest in the evolution of the man-machine interface beyond the somewhat long-in-the-tooth mouse/keyboard/windows-GUI paradigm. We call this thematic area of interest human computer interaction, or HCI for short. This is an area we’re watching closely as we look for new investment…
Microsoft Mix 08
I was in Vegas for a couple days last week at Microsoft’s MIX08 conference, with lots of interesting people and tech on display. I also had the good fortune to participate in a panel moderated by Don Dodge which included me, Kimball Musk, Dave McClure, Kevin Rose and Robert Scoble. It wound up being a…
Car Alarms and Metcalfe’s Law
As I sit here in my office listening to a car alarm go off for well over a minute, I am highly annoyed. But the alarm also caused me to reflect on just how useless car alarms are — perhaps when they were first on the market and only a very small fraction of cars…
None More Black
My dad pointed me to this story last weekend — research scientist Shawn-Yu Lin at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute reported that a team he works with has created the darkest substance ever made, one that absorbs 99.995% of light that hits it, making it about 30x darker than the “blackest black” previously known. The applications of…
New Foundry Group Website
I’m happy to announce that we’ve officially launched a new and improved Foundry Group web site, marking the official unveiling of our new $225m venture fund. My four partners and I — Brad Feld, Seth Levine, Jason Mendelson and Chris Wand co-founded Foundry Group last year, and after many months on the road fundraising, we…
Why are Blu-Ray players so slow?
I’ve now owned one HD-DVD player and two Blu-Ray players across three major brands, Toshiba, Sony and Sharp, including entry level, mid range and top-of-the-line models. One thing that is common across all of them is that they are just excruciatingly slow. It takes forever to load a disc and start playing a movie. What…