Via Gizmodo: Upgrading your Comcast Motorola/Scientific DVR to run TiVo software costs an extra $2.95/month and has been rolled out in New England. More details from Comcast here. And go sign up here to be notified when it rolls out in your neighborhood. Comcast, please hurry up and get this rolled out in the Boulder/Denver area!
I gave up my DirecTiVo box when I moved from CA to CO and have been a victim of the Comcast DVR user interface for the past 16 months, and I have been wistfully remembering my TiVo days. In fact, I’ve seriously considered leaving Comcast altogether because the interface on their DVR boxes has to be one of the worst UI abominations I’ve ever experienced. Seriously — it boggles my mind how a UI can be so bad when there exists a great UI like TiVo that can be imitated. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but Comcast’s attempts to imitate have been a disaster. So I’m glad they’ve given up and decided to make the best-of-breed TiVo interface available. Finally.
I cannot wait to get TiVo back. I can only hope it will happen sometime in the next few months because I’m not sure how long I can hold out. Can anyone from Comcast chime in here on the rollout schedule? Can anyone hook me up with early access?