Boulder: VOTE NO on Props 300 and 301!

I seldom feel compelled to weigh in on politics, whether local or national, but there are two terrible pieces of public policy up for vote in Boulder next month in November that I must urge my fellow Boulderites to vote against. Props 300 and 301 are “wolves in sheeps’ clothing” initiatives that sound innocuous (and even desirable) on the surface, but, if passed, will create governmental gridlock and lawsuits in Boulder on a daunting scale.

Boulder’s neighborhoods already have a say in issues that effect them, and developers and business in Boulder already pay their own way. Props 300 and 301 aren’t fixing something that is missing or broken.

Proposition 300 is metaphorically akin to gerrymandering and will create years of gridlock in the city governmental process. If 300 and 301 pass, we could wind up with a fractious and stalled process that might be most reminiscent of “Ungovernable Italy”.

My partners and I have written in more depth on the issues here and here, and here, and I encourage you to take a look. If you agree that these bad pieces of policy need to be defeated, please vote NO on 300 & 301, and please help spread the word. Here are some ready-made tweets or Facebook posts you can use to get the word out:

Click to Tweet: i agree with @foundrygroup. 300 and 301 will have devastating effects on boulder. VOTE NO on both! #keepboulderopen

Click to Tweet: i stand for keeping the doors to boulder open. VOTE NO on 300 and 301. #keepboulderopen

Click to Tweet: in boulder’s upcoming election we’ll decide if we want to live in the past or continue to thrive. #keepboulderopen