Search Results

Eight Blocks of Boulder, CO are Missing!

…consider the fact that the previous owners’ moving truck arrived at the wrong location because of faulty geo-data and wound up appearing two hours late. Or that Comcast never showed…

Internet History Podcast (Excite)

Last month I did an interview for the Internet History Podcast, where I tell the story of my experiences as a co-founder of, starting way back in 1993, ancient…

More from the Excite Archives

A tip of the hat to Scott Epstein for digging this one out of the archives. Scott and I had lunch a few weeks ago and he brought this along…

Sharp’s Dull Service / My eCommerce Nightmare

Warning: long rant ahead, but I just concluded the worst and most protracted customer-service nightmare of my life and feel compelled to share it, since my experience was just preposterous….

I’ve Been Inc’d

…one of my posts was dugg, but apparently my post about the stupidity of car alarms amused the folks over at Inc. Magazine and Thanks for the props, Inc!…

Everything That Happens

…nearly 30 years later, Byrne and Eno have released a new album, Everything that Happens Will Happen Today , available exclusively from their website, The talented folks over Topspin…

Oblong: Rodent-Free Computing

…have launched their website. Go check out and get a feel for the mouse-free computing environment of the future: the g-speak spatial operating environment. Foundry Group, HCI, Oblong, VC…

After the Apocalypse…

A tip of the hat to my friend Dennise for sending this one to me, and another tip of the hat to the folks at who created this fine…

Bing Juice?

With all the hubbub surrounding the launch of Bing, I finally got around to spending some time with MSFT’s new search engine over the last few days. My behavior, along…