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Paul’s Boutique is Twenty

…by Foundry Group portfolio company Topspin Media. Even better, in addition to making high quality mp3s available for download, the Beastie Boys are offering several different bundles of exclusive you-won’t-find-it-on-iTunes…

New Foundry Group Website

…So stay tuned on our Foundry Group blog feed for ongoing commentary on our view of the world, news about our portfolio companies and anything else we see fit to…


…announcements of the iPhone and AppleTV easily generated as much press coverage as all of CES combined. For any consumer electronics company other than Apple, hosting a conference at the…

Tyranny Crime,

I’ve always enjoyed word games of all sorts and compulsively rearrange most words and phrases I encounter to see if there are any amusing acronyms to be found within them….

Bing Juice?

With all the hubbub surrounding the launch of Bing, I finally got around to spending some time with MSFT’s new search engine over the last few days. My behavior, along…

Gallows Humor

If you are easily offended or a fan of Pantera or Damageplan, read no further. When I was a kid in junior high school, I was a metalhead. Heavy metal…

Sonos Update

…Sonos for being on top of this. As an investor in and avid user of Technorati, I use Technorati’s watchlists to monitor mentions of each of my portfolio companies out…

Feature Request: Better Mobile Voicemail

…a least-common-denominator interface into voicemail, so it is accessible from any phone and from anywhere, but let’s face it, a touch-tone user interface is a terrible way to deal with…

Everything That Happens

…nearly 30 years later, Byrne and Eno have released a new album, Everything that Happens Will Happen Today , available exclusively from their website, The talented folks over Topspin…

Technorati Tags

Today Technorati launched a very cool new feature, Technorati Tags. Inspired by the communal categorization features of flikr and, Technorati now indexes tags embedded in blog posts (you get…