Search Results

Five Peace Band: Chick Corea & John McLaughlin

…A highlight of the show for me was Garrett’s solo in a new Corea composition entitled “Hymn to the Muse”. Finally, at the end of the evening during the encore,…

Oh Kindle, My Kindle

…I previously touted as my new favorite gadget. Now I must apologize to Sony and my lovely wife Katherine, who gave me the reader for Father’s Day last year, only…

New Gadget: Sonos Digital Music System

…I’ve encountered. The controller is wireless and handheld and has a rich user interface that can display album art and comes complete with a iPod-like scroll wheel for navigating a…

Steely Dan at Red Rocks

…able to obtain excellent seats (eighth row) for the event. Jason and I used our two extra tickets to bring along our new Boulder friends (and fellow musicians) Tom Higley…

A Brief History of Excite

…now in the process of launching a new fund called Foundry Group with five of my colleagues from Mobius. Joe Kraus and Graham Spencer went on to found JotSpot, and…

Sharp’s Dull Service / My eCommerce Nightmare

new motherboard has arrived and to schedule a new appointment. I get one for May 30th. May 30th, 2008. DTR technician arrives. Replaces motherboard. Now TV turns on, but video…

Spurn in NYC

My brother Ross A. McIntyre is a founder/producer/actor in a comedy troupe in New York called spurn.  Ross sent me note today mentioning that spurn (and Ross) was featured today…

The Sonos Search Box

…addition of the search feature, I am an even happier user. The fine folks at Sonos were kind enough to let me download the new software a few days early…

Boned by the iPhone

…to approve me automatically and said I needed to wait for an email from them for activation to complete. An hour later, no email, so I try to run the…